Hold me to it

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Theater Jones

Anderson is an energetic, athletic Roosevelt, looking sharp in a series of tailored suits and golf outfits. He’s marvelously full of himself recalling the joy of hitting that first golf ball, “I felt something lift off that I didn’t know I was carrying,” he tells Harmond, smiling in recollection. Then more earthily, “It was like I had a dick in my hand,” he says, laughing about of his first good club. Conversely, he has a thicker voice and an icy glitter in his eye when confronting anything that stands in the way of his ascent to power.

Dallas Observer

Harmond and fast-talking business partner Roosevelt Hicks (Ace Anderson) need city officials to declare the Hill “blighted” so they can qualify for millions in federal funds. When the call finally comes, they dance around the office shouting “Blight! Blight!”