Understanding Acethetic

I think I’m finally beginning to understand my style, my look, my vibes.

It’s interesting to think that at 27 there’s still more to discover about who I am and what I like. I’m sure that's is laughable for the older the generation: “I’m 45 and I STILL haven’t discovered myself!” But I've known what I wanted to do for a living for 20 years and have consistently been doing that. Some people never discover what they want to do. I’ve known since before middle-school. You'd think that I would have figured out my own voice by now, but no. Not at all actually. 


What I've begun to notice though, is that while I’ve created a lot for the ace “brand” it has all been hand-me-down work that I've done for someone else. I’ve been spending so much time designing for other brands that I haven’t really been able to spend the time necessary to create a cohesive brand like I do for my clients. I’ve never taken the time to understand myself and establish an identity that truly speaks to who I am.  Everything I’ve created before this moment has been somewhat of an after thought. I would spend time making it look good, but not really thinking about cohesion which something I always consider when I design for other people. In the past you might have gone to my website or instagram and been impressed by how well done it was but I don't know if it really spoke to my personality at all. 


NOW I think I get it! Well... at least I'm getting it! It's all beginning to make sense now. To tell you the truth, I was lost, man. LOST. Stressing out about my photos: Do I have a look? How come my shit don't look like their shit? Stressing about my fashion: Does this look good on me? Can I rock something like this? Then I would do it and just end up feeling insecure about my choices. Now that I'm understanding my voice, thoughts like that don't plague my mind. I don't know exactly when this happened, but I believe the seed was planted in February this year when I was in Miami. I fell in love with everyone I saw. Everyone was so beautiful! And it seemed like everyone understood fashion. That in and of itself was not something I was used to seeing in Dallas. I feel like people don't know how to dress in this city. That might be because of the constant change in weather that people never know exactly what to wear, but honestly that's not really an excuse for knowing how to buy clothes that accentuate you!

With that being said, now that I'm coming into my own understanding of self, you'll see a lot more of me diving head first into my Acethetic. If you like what you see hashtag #WerkAceBoogie haha but for real... 

Enjoy these pictures from the DFW Vintage Swap Meet and Koneko Vegan Pop up :-)