Tell us how you really feel, Ace.

Super proud of this artwork I created for the upcoming 2019 Season at Second Thought Theatre.

I’m really passionate about creating good branding for theater in Dallas for the simple fact that, although the shows are phenomenal, quite frankly, the marketing is BASURA! I used to think that it was a money thing, they couldn’t afford me, but nope. I’ve even offered my services completely free to some theaters just because I can’t stand the sight of their shitty artwork making theater reminiscent of pizza faced middle school. But they respectfully decline, or don’t even get back to me! One client literally told me that if the designs were too good that no one would want to support because it would look like the theater had money already! So let’s add some more SHITE folks! Bruh... give me a break.

Seems like THE OLDS think they know better despite the major advancements in technology and their inability to keep up with the times.

Honestly, I don’t want to design for every theater company, I just hold theater to high standard so I need y’all to do better. I can’t help feel an inherent obligation to prevent the old “stuck-in-their-ways” blockbuster ass generation from throwing dirt on the shovel that is mediocre-at-best marketing.

Wow! This was supposed to be a positive post for The Striped Heart about my work with STT. Anyway, Thanks for joining me on this rant. If you want more detail on how I really feel, visit




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How to Revolutionize Theater in 9 Easy Steps. Revolt.