My Dallas Theater Center Story

My life is a story! And I love storytelling. During my time in Dallas, I have had quite a unique experience as a young artist of color. I moved here 10 years ago, got my BFA in Acting from @smudallas, began my career in Graphic Design, started my business @thestripedheart, was offered a position at a dream job to be a company member at the Tony Award Winning @dallastheatercenter, and all I had to do was stay true to myself. For the past four years I’ve been living my dream of telling stories for the masses on the big stage, portraying over 15 different roles that challenged me as an actor, and DTC made that possible. As you can guess, due to the crisis, keeping regional theater operating is a difficult undertaking with so much uncertainty, and we can use all the help we can get. So consider giving to the @dallastheatercenter Bounce Back Fund, so that artists like me can get back to living our dreams and changing the world one story at a time! 🎉🎊🎉 @smumeadows @onegreatvegan @ldbcasting -


2020 Has Me Looking Forward to 2021... And I don't mean what you think.


Easter Brunch in Quarantine