I’m done procrastinating!
It’s time to get shit done. I’m done with procrastinating. If you know anything about me, you know that planning is not my strong suit. It overwhelms me to think about all the possibilities too far in advance. That’s one of the troubles of being The Modern Renaissance Man. If I can do anything, then how can I pin down an idea to execute on? I found a work around. Just wait until the last minute! That way all the pressure of the time crunch will force me to make a decision and pull the project together as easily and efficiently as I possibly can or else it won’t get done and that’s just not an option. This takes projects from complex to simple very quickly. I know this sounds outrageous, but (outside of stress of the encroaching deadline) the problem doesn’t really present itself until I am working on my own personal projects where I haven’t decided on a deadline.
Why can’t I decide on anything?
I’ve always had trouble with this, but have never been able to pinpoint the core issue. It seems like everyday I’m praying for God to simplify my thoughts so I that I don’t get overwhelmed. The answer is always the same… “JUST PICK SOMETHING, AND FINISH IT! It doesn’t have to be good, it just has to be done!” That seems simple enough, but somehow I still get overwhelmed. My brain gets foggy and cloudy and I can’t focus halting all progress. Then the salt in the wound is being married to the queen of efficiently self-producing consistently. I may have taught her how to self produce at a high quality, but because Gabrielle has virtually none of the issues I’ve mentioned, I watch her accomplish EVERY goal in a timely manner with minimal stress. I aim to be that way.
Enough is enough!
I’ve decided to say “no more” to trying to get everything just right. I want to get everything just DONE! As long as I’m staying true to myself and committed to completion consistently, the righteousness should follow. As I was lamenting to my wife about all my issues, she realized that I had so many ideas that of course it was impossible for me to choose one. She said the best way was to leave it up to chance. So she helped me write any idea that came to mind on tiny torn sheets of paper that we folded and put into a tin can that I will draw from whenever I don’t know what to do next.
The first one I drew was a TikTok idea I had for several months and finally recorded. And the second one was to write a blog post, and here it is!!!
It’s actually working!
2021 is about getting shit done! So I’m excited about using this new method to combat my procrastination. I’ll be writing blog posts a lot more frequently, and sharing ways to overcome personal vices that may be holding you back from reaching your full potential as an artist.
Align yourself with Truth. Trust your passion. Ace your life.
♠️ Ace Boogie