Defund The Police... Then What? - Taboo Talks with Ace Anderson & Akron Watson

The idea of defunding, or divestment… is simple: We must cut the astronomical amount of money that our governments spend on law enforcement and give that money to more helpful services like job training, counseling, and violence-prevention programs. Each year, state and local governments spend upward of $100 billion dollars on law enforcement—and that’s excluding billions more in federal grants and resources.

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Ageism in the Entertainment Industry - Taboo Talks with Ace Anderson & Akron Watson

In 2016, the Democratic party chose Hillary Clinton, over Bernie Sanders and well, we all know what happened next. What was the biggest problem with Bernie for America? His age. Sigmund Freud said,” If youth knew; if age could” but Mark Zuckerberg said, “Young people are just smarter.” Well, Apparently they also look better, as millions of people shop everyday for age- defying products to tighten their skin, darken their hair, and return them back to what we all know to be our “youthful beauty”. With more and more teen and preteen driven content being released and produced than what seems like ever, and less and less unique, well scripted, and financed work being written and produced to represent anyone upwards of 35, I just want to ask: what is our true obsession with youth, and how is it truly affecting us? When is the right person for the job not the person with the best skills or the most knowledge, but instead the cutest, or the most fun? It’s the age old argument, pun intended: Youth vs Experience.

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Seaspiracy Review - Taboo Talks with Ace Anderson & Akron Watson

Whether you've seen this dauntingly tragic documentary or not, we need to have a real heart to heart discussion about what the f*ck we're doing to our oceans. THE MADNESS HAS TO STOP. Seaspiracy is a 2021 documentary about the environmental impact of fishing directed by and starring Ali Tabrizi, a British filmmaker. The film premiered on Netflix globally last month and garnered immediate attention in several countries. Join actor-musician duo, Ace Anderson & Akron Watson, known as “The S.I.H.K. Brothers,” every Monday night on our taboo talkshow as we make the best cases for the guiltiest pleasures: sex, art, and spirituality.

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WE NEED TO TALK: Call Me By Your Name

Did you see Lil Nas X’s last video? This is the Old Town Road kid right? Getting sodomized by Satan in Hell. Let’s face it, having extramarital affairs and sleeping with new people can be exhilarating! It really only sucks when your partner finds out that you were with someone else! But what if they didn’t have to find out? Join actor-musician duo, Ace Anderson & Akron Watson, known as “The S.I.H.K. Brothers,” every Monday night on their taboo talkshow as they make the best cases for the guiltiest pleasures: sex, art, and spirituality.

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Celebrating Black Future Month! - The Devil’s Advocate 005

It's Monday y'all! The Devil's Advocate is back for another late night taboo conversation making the best case for the guiltiest pleasures. Here we are, on yet another glorious Black History Month in America. It is time again to amplify the ancestral voices of our shared national origin while simultaneously celebrating our current civil progress. Being black means so much, especially when it comes to America’s history and America’s future. It is people of African descent descending upon the white house. It is people of the African diaspora in all shades and all sexual orientations. It is incomparably embedded in color and culture and unequivocally drenched in racism. It is a once-powerful nation stolen to become slaves to the construction of yet another powerful nation. We who claim our blackness as our royal birthright have fought and are fighting for something every single day of our lives. But what is that “something”? What are we truly fighting for? Trump is out, Biden and Kamala are in. Now, what do we want? What’s the plan for our future? How much responsibility are we individually willing to shoulder? Today, on the first day of Black History Month 2021, the question is: “How long until Black Future Month?”

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BeScarred By #MeToo - The Devil’s Advocate 004

As the saying goes, “boys will be boys!” But what happens when boys become men without ever properly learning how to be a man? What does “properly” even look like? Who is making the rules? After the “#MeToo​” movement rocked the world (for good reason), many men found themselves caught in the crossfire, racking their brains for any moments in their past that could have been interpreted as misogyny, toxic masculinity, or worst of all, sexual assault. And what about the men certain that they’ve done nothing of the sort also looped in with the wicked? This week Ace & Akron are discussing how ‘Me Too’ has shaken their confidence in being authentic around the opposite sex. Is authenticity possible when you're walking on eggshells?

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Finding Real Love On Tinder - The Devil’s Advocate 003

Now, we know that love comes in all forms, shapes, sizes, and possibly even apps. At their peak, apps like Tinder and Bumble are registering about one billion "swipes" per day! The question is: if my love is one in a million, how long before I have to stop swiping on and on and on? On this week's episode of The Devil’s Advocate, Ace & Akron are discussing the pros and cons of the infamous dating app games!

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Should "CP Time" be Tolerated? - The Devil’s Advocate 002

This is unfortunate, but here’s the thing about working with people of color that some may not know: WE WILL NOT BE ON TIME! NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO! I know, I know. It’s terrible, but many of us have just come to accept that this is something embedded in our DNA. Or is it? In this episode of The Devil’s Advocate, Ace & Akron discuss whether CP Time should be accepted as fact or the lazy man’s myth.

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Abstinence: Is It Effective or Naw? - The Devil’s Advocate 001

Ace Anderson & Akron Watson, two nationally renowned, multidisciplinary actors, poets, musicians, and filmmakers invite you to listen in on their private taboo conversations about sex, art, & spirituality. The talented duo met in 2011 at a regional theater in Dallas, Texas. They made their first song within the week of knowing each other and haven't stopped creating collaborative magic since. You can imagine how deep and profound their conversations get, so in this show, you'll get to kick it with the SiHK BROTHERS as they discuss... whatever they discuss. ALL HONESTY AND NO TOPIC IS OFF LIMITS. When's the last time you heard two brothers being honest with each other? You don't want to miss what's in store, so come hang with ya boys Monday nights on The Devil's Advocate. Let's get it!

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