Ace Anderson Takes Hiatus From Dallas Theater Center to Pursue Film Career
Ace Anderson, a member of the Diane and Hal Brierley Resident Acting Company, will take a hiatus for the 2020-2021 season to pursue acting opportunities in film and television.
“The theater is my foundation, but the time has come to really take my 19-year-old dream of being a screen actor seriously, and the only way to do that is to go at it full force,” said Anderson, who will be relocating to Los Angeles where he has already started virtual auditions for film and television roles. Patrons may remember Anderson from his work in All the Way, HAIR, The Great Society, penny candy, and A Christmas Carol. Although he is relocating, he remains a member of the acting company for the 2020-2021 season.
“I first saw Ace during an undergraduate audition at SMU when he was a student – he performed a Gollum monologue from Lord of the Rings. From that moment on, I was a fan. He is one of the most multi-faceted, multi-talented actors I know,” said Kevin Moriarty, Enloe/Rose Artistic Director at Dallas Theater Center. “I will miss the passion, vulnerability, charisma, empathy and ferocity he has brought to his work on the Dallas Theater Center stage, but I look forward to seeing him in movies and TV!”