The Grays: 90’s Disney Concert 2019
Dallas soulful sweethearts The Grays (Kierra Gray, KJ Gray, Kwinton Gray) hosted the '90s Disney Concert this year at The Kessler Theater in Oak Cliff, Dallas.
Dreyfoos 2009: 10-Year Reunion
Whoa. 10 years flew by... Yesterday was the Dreyfoos School of the Arts, Class of ‘09, 10-year Reunion. We celebrate at 123 Datura in West Palm Beach. I’m so happy that I got to go. And it was so cool to see people happy and doing well.
The Marvelous Miraculous Myth of the Marvelyn Michaelson Musical or what you will
Ace Views: The Manufactured Myth of Eveline Flynn | Theatre Three
Ace is the Face of SMU Giving Day!
SMU Giving Day
Southern Methodist University
Directed by Robert McCollum