On Set with Team Grace
Dedication - Protein Promo
My Body Complete RX
Directed by Jeremy Biggers
Shooting a wedding in Mexico was the project/vacation I didn't know I needed! The best part about it was that it was a family member's wedding and my mom and sister went. So I got to spend some quality time with them on beautiful resort. You just don't realize how much some quality time with your mother can do the soul until you get it.
Let The Sunshine In
"Hair: The Musical"
Role: Hud Johnson
Dallas Theater Center 2017
Directed by Kevin Moriarty
Are you a man or a monkey?
"Inherit The Wind" - Jerome Lawrence & Robert E. Lee
Role: Bertram Cates
Dallas Theater Center 2017
Directed by Kevin Moriarty
Word is Bond: Short Film
"Word is Bond"
Role: Malik
Short Film, 2017
Directed by Alexandra Mastoon